Raphael Fleuristal
University of South Florida
I couldn't believe how much I learned in such a short period of time. Every lesson and masterclass was a break-through for me. Going into my senior year and prepping for my voice recital, this program was the best decision I could have made. Now, I am more confident with my singing. I auditioned recently and the people there were very pleased with my performance. Things I learned included controlling my performance anxiety, stylistic phrasing, acting strategies, and improved technique. I've used these skills every day since I left Hungary. In addition, the group traveled and explored the beautiful city of Szeged during free-time; the people were great and the food was amazing. I hope to return next summer.
Pedro Che
University of Georgia
The Summer music in Hungary program was undoubtedly a life changing experience for me. I had the opportunity to perform for such wonderful faculty and accompany many talented vocalists in a beautiful country. I learned a great deal with different perspectives from all the teachers, making me more prepared for the next step in my career. I would not hesitate to do this all over again. Besides daily masterclasses, we also attended very informative lectures which helped broaden our musicianship. In addition to that, we attended tours around the city and the capital which I personally enjoyed tremendously, seeing such breathtaking landscapes made an impact in myself and my growth as a person as well as a musician. It was indeed a perfect trip.
Jason Gómez
El Salvador
This festival was an enriching experience, both musically and culturally. The timing could not have been better as I prepared for my senior undergraduate recital and several other upcoming performances of pieces I got to work on intensely. The faculty were inspirational, supportive and provided performance opportunities almost every day in the form of masterclasses, studio performances and recitals; it was a unique atmosphere where performing became a very comfortable activity, this alone contributed to tremendous growth in a brief amount of time. Aside from performances and lectures, there was plenty of time to explore the beautiful city of Szeged and a tour around Budapest, it was any pianist’s dream come true to visit the Liszt Museum and get a sense of the Hungarian culture and customs.
Christina Comulada
Florida Gulf Coast University
This past summer I was lucky enough to study voice in the Summer Music Program in Hungary. The two-week program consisted of masterclasses, private lessons, classes, concerts and touring the country. I was able to study with excellent teachers that worked with me to best improve my voice and performance skills. Our group would either practice, attend a masterclass or lesson during the day, then tour the city in the evening while learning the rich culture of city. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in improving their musicianship, performance ability, and their professional career as a musician. Hungary is a once in a lifetime trip you cannot afford to miss!
Juan Miguel Ayesta
My summer in Szeged was one of the best experiences I've had in my entire life. I had the chance to work with magnificent teachers and there were lots of performances and masterclasses for all the students, which helped tremendously in my growth both as musician and person. Also, we had access to practice rooms at the conservatory every single day all day long. Moreover, the faculty gave a few wonderful recitals and, for me, it is always nurturing and motivating to see them performing on stage. I also met so many wonderful and talented people from different places. I was pleased to be able to make more connections and learn from each of them. In addition, all the participants were able to do a lot of tourism. Szeged, is a beautiful small city, with beautiful architecture and the food was delicious.
Rebecca Enlow
Youngstown State University
The Summer Music Study in Hungary program was a wonderful experience. We as students were able to dig deeply into our vocal studies, and I learned so many things about my voice. This was my first trip abroad, and I couldn't think of a better program to spend it in! The teachers were very knowledgeable and helpful. There were several opportunities for improvement, and it is appropriate for college students of all levels and backgrounds.
Manuel Molina
West Virginia University
I was amazed by all the things I learned in such a short time at this summer festival. Observing and playing in the piano masterclasses gave me more insights about my approach to music. The amount of performances allowed me to apply various ideas I discussed with the teachers, which made me feel more connected mentally and emotionally to the music. Workshops embraced topics as music improvisation, performance anxiety and an introduction to music business; these were areas that sparked my curiosity in topics that are not often taught. Szeged, Hungary is a lovely place. We had ample time for sightseeing. All the students who came were really talented and I loved working and learning from them. I hope I can be part of the program again this coming summer.
Sorina Fatu
Youngstown State University
In regards to the Hungary program, I'd like to say that no matter what your level of performance ability is, the professors and students are incredibly supportive.
Being a student who was about to enter first year of post-secondary studies, attending this amazing and eye-opening program really prepared me for the rigors and intensities of college-level piano playing. From the frequent recitals and the daily masterclasses, my musical senses were sharpened and the knowledge learned from the faculty, guest artists, and fellow students was a very enriching experience. This program is unique because of its focus not only on perfecting one's own musical performance, but because of the emphasis on how to become a successful musician in our day and age. To cap it all, Szeged, a city filled with so much culture and history, is the perfect setting with its mild climates, heart-warming people, and delicious food for a fun yet focused music program.
Victoria Remley
Youngstown State University
The Music Study in Hungary Program was a wonderful experience. I made new friends, got to experience a new culture, and I progressed in my knowledge of vocal training. I definitely think everyone should have the opportunity to study abroad.